The Four S’s of Paint Color

When working with clients to develop a color palette for their homes, I am often met with the sentiment “I don’t want my house to look like a clown house.”  These clients fear color.  As a trained artist and color expert, I use the four S’s to help them select what will be their ideal color solution.

Simplicity, Strength, Sizzle, Sophistication These Four S’s have been used for decades as the foundation in graphic design, interior design, architecture and most creative fields. In each category the S’s might differ somewhat, but the general idea remains the same. 

Simplicity – The simpler something is, the longer its life. When things are simple we do not tire of them as quickly. If you do not plan to paint for another 20 years, consider choosing this path. An example of this is a monochromatic color palette. Simple does not necessarily mean all white or beige.

Strength – This can mean something different for each person. For paint it means a bold, saturated paint color. 

Sizzle – Some people just like things that are exciting – colors that create energy. Complementary and analogous colors can also create this color energy.

Sophistication – In the paint world this can also be defined as classy, refined or elegant.

Sophisticated color does not shout at you, and does not stand in opposition to its furnishings. These colors usually fall into the mid-range of intensity.

Why are Porch Ceilings Painted Blue?

Ceiling painted BM Smoke 2122-40.

The legend of Haints Blue: In the south it was common to paint porch ceilings blue to protect the house from evil sprits. The Gullah people passed along this tradition. In the Gullah culture of the South , ceilings and sometimes doors and shutters were painted blue to symbolize water or sky. According to folklore evil spirits and haints, pronunced “haunts,” would be either be tricked by the sky or the blue symbolized water which they could not cross. Blue glass bottles were also hung in trees to trap haints.

In the past Haint Blue was mixed with milk paint formulas using lime and crushed indigo plant pigments. Today many people use pale or dusty hues but there is no standard color. The color ranges from light blues and blue greens to darker shades and gray blues.

BM Icy Moon Drops 2056-70
SW Atmospheric 6505