Support the Arts

Artists contribute beauty to our world – despite their beautiful contributions, most artist still struggle to survive. Support your local art programs. If you have an ugly wall, become a patron of the arts, employ your local artists to paint it.

A typical concrete and stucco facade.


Then the wall starts to take on a three-dimensional appearance


This is Eric, in his element, 30 feet off the ground. He does most of the artwork by himself and researches, paints and designs each project from scratch. His wife Kathy, also an artist, serves as project manager.



Why would you not want to save time & money?

Save time and money with a paint color consultant – Scenario – You have made a decision to repaint your house, when you bought your home 5 years ago it was freshly painted an off white. The years have gone by and you have become tired of the off-white. You watch a few DIY home shows and decide, no problem I can do this myself. You head off to your local paint store and find the perfect paint chips take them home and “what were you thinking”? So you head back to the store to try again, and again, and again. Finally you make a decision and you buy a sample pot. You paint a nice neat square on your wall and OMG “it is nothing like the paint chip” so back to the store for another sample pot, and another, and another.


The question is what is your time worth? Not to mention the sample pots? DIY home shows tell you, you can do it, but really do not tell you how to do it. Paint color consultants however, are educated on color and have years of experience. The hours, days and weeks it takes you, it takes a trained paint color consultant just a few hours.

The testimonial America’s Color Consultants gets the most is “The best $250 I ever spent”

Color Trends

Noir – Last week I attended the Sherwin Williams ColorMix presentation. The palette of colors which made the biggest impression for me, was the “Noir” collection. It is inspired by night. The darker colors in this collection are not for the meek, however if you have a small space (a powder room or den)  and you would like to be daring these colors are rich and bold. They remind me of rooms I have visited in Europe.



Why Become an America’s Color Consultant


Transition Time

Summer is ending but fall is coming. Along with the cooler weather fall brings, it’s also a transition time. Summer vacations and summer camps end, and kids go back to school. It doesn’t just have to be a transition for them, it can also be one for the stay at home parent. With the kids back in school, having a job with flexible hours is a great benefit. America’s Color Consultants (ACC) offers just that with our home based business model. Florence and Susan understand the importance of having quality time with your family, but also still wanting to work. Although that may seem impossible, it’s not. With an America’s Color Consulting franchise you can work while the kids are in school and still be on time to pick them up from the bus stop. If you are a mom or dad looking for a flexible work schedule, and have an eye for color ACC may be for you. To learn more about how ACC got started please go to our website